
Generally, this error 0x87D01201(-2016407039) comes when enough space is not available in the cache or the disk is full. I will show you an easy way to clean up this error. There may be multiple tools available for this but we can do this without any external tool
Why this error comes up?
The Configuration Manager (SCCM) client downloads the contents for the required software after it receives the deployment but waits to run it until the deployment time trigger.
At the trigger time, the Configuration Manager client checks to see whether the all required content is available in the cache. If all the content is in the cache and it is the correct version, it will start deployment without any error. But, when the required version of the content has changed or any of the content was deleted to make room for another package or deleted the content manually, the content is downloaded to the cache again. That time this error came up.

  • Open the Control Panel, and open all settings.
  • Click on Configuration Manager;
  • Click on the Cache tab and click on Configure Settings; When you click on it it will prompt for administrator credentials.
  • After adding credentials, Click on Delete Files;

config manager properties

  • Now try again to install the software from the Software Center.

If errors still exist then you may need to try to reinstall SCCM Client. I hope you know how to do it, if you don’t then comment on this, and I can add an article for you.

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