Setup Google Chrome Bookmarks using Intune

As we know Bookmarks are important when we install new browsers, especially when in the corporate environment. This will help employees to have all the information in one place. In this article, I will explain how to setup Google Chrome bookmarks using Intune.

The step-by-step guide will be easy to follow and you can make necessary changes per your specific requirements.

There are a couple of steps to follow:

  • Preparation
  • Configuration & Deployment
  • Testing


For the preparation we have to create a script in any text editor tool, I will use Notepad ++ but you can create in normal Notepad as well

{ “toplevel_name”: “Internal portals” },
{ “url”: “”, “name”: “Google” },
{ “url”: “”, “name”: “SunilTechExplorer” },
{ “name”: “Microsoft 365”, “children”: [
{ “url”: “”, “name”: “Office 365” },
{ “url”: “”, “name”: “SharePoint” },
{ “url”: “”, “name”: “Intune Portal” } ] }

You can create a child folder in bookmarks as per the category required.

Configuration and Deployment

Configuration in Intune is similar to our old articles

  • Go to the Microsoft Intune portal
  • Click on Devices, Windows and go to configuration
  • Create New Configuration
  • Give proper Name and description as required
  • Click Next
  • In the Configuration setting, add setting.
  • In Setting Picker, search for Bookmarks
  • You will able to see Google Chrome Bookmarks
  • Select the Manage Bookmarks setting
  • Under the settings section, the Google Bookmarks setting will be added
  • Here you need to add the script which we created earlier and enable the option for Manage Bookmarks

Setup Google Chrome Bookmarks using Intune

  • On the next screen, add scope or leave it as default and click on Next.
  • Assign this policy to a particular group or all devices
  • Now, review the policy and click on Create.

That’s it!! The policy has been created and applied for targeted systems/users.


In this, simply check which system policy has been applied. Go to that system and restart Google Chrome Browser and Bookmarks. It will show up there.

Setup Google Chrome Bookmarks using Intune

Check out more about Intune & I have a specific section for Windows troubleshooting  I hope you will like to explore.

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