CVE-2021-27608 An Unquotes Service Path

During your vulnerability scanning, if you find this “CVE-2021-27608 An Unquoted Service Path”, no worries. I have a simple fix for this.

This vulnerability was detected in 2021 regarding an SAP service. But also it is related to other services as well.

I will show you the solution for the TeamViewer service.

I checked the TeamViewer service from services and in Registry Key, and both shows unquoted (“). Check the screenshot below for your reference

unquote property

TeamViewer Unquoted registry

Let’s fix it now

Two ways you can fix this

  • Go to the Registry location and add the quote (“”). So I am not going to explain more in-depth, as you know the path for registry. I would always avoid manual intervention as it may come with human error, so this is least used option also this option we can’t use in automation for multiple computer at one time.
  • I will give you a PowerShell script, which you can run and get jobs done. I have written this script for TeamViewer, but if your other service is affected, you must check and replace the name. You can create script and add into your deployment tool and deploy in multiple system at once.

Set-ItemProperty -Path “HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\TeamViewer” ` -Name ImagePath -Value “C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\TeamViewer_Service.exe”

This will fix your Vulnerability

Thanks for your reading.

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