Intune Error code 0x801c003

This document was created for enrollment errors, specifically the Intune error code 0x801c003 “This user is not authorized to enroll”, when you try to enroll a new Windows device.

Intune Error code 0x801c003

Details about Error codes

The Intune error 0x801c003 may have different error messages depending on the cause:

  • Error code 0x801c003: This user is not authorized to enroll.
  • Error code 80180003: Try again or contact your administrator.
  • Error code 80180003: Something went wrong. This user is not authorized to enroll.
  • Error code 0x801c0003: Try again or contact your administrator.


This error may occur if any of the resulting circumstances are match:

  • The device might have reached a maximum number of enrollments.
  • The device possibly blocked by the device restrictions policy.
  • Unsupported version of Windows 10


There are two solutions to fix this error code:

Increase the device enrollment limit

If the device is blocked by the device restrictions policy, you need to increase the device enrollment limit. Let’s understand the process of how to do it.

  • Log in to the Microsoft Intune portal
  • Go to Devices / Enrollment Restrictions.
  • Click on the default Device limit Restriction or create a new one.

Intune Error code 0x801c003

  • Edit the Properties
  • Make changes in enroll limit numbers

Intune Error code 0x801c003

  • Click Review + Save

Unused devices removal

  • Log in to the Microsoft Intune portal
  • Go to Users / All Users
  • Search and open a user account which has an issue with enrollment.
  • Click Devices and remove any unused devices
  • Then try again to enroll.

Extra steps if the above resolutions didn’t work

Check the default enrollment setting status

  • Log in to the Microsoft Intune portal
  • Go to Devices / Enrollment restrictions,
  • In Device Type Restrictions select Default.

Intune Error code 0x801c003

  • Go to Default setting properties.
  • Edit the platform setting.
  • Allow the MDM setting.

Intune Error code 0x801c003

Windows 10 Home

This is an unsupported version, plan to upgrade for a Pro or Enterprise license.


Check out more about Intune & I have a specific section for Windows troubleshooting  I hope you will like to explore.

Always check the Microsoft Learn website for new study programmes.

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