MSI configuration in Intune

To configure an MSI (Microsoft Installer) application in Microsoft Intune, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to the Microsoft Intune admin center:
    1. Go to the Microsoft Intune admin center.
    2. Sign in with your credentials.
  2. Add a Line-of-Business (LOB) app:
    1. Navigate to Apps > All apps > Add.
    2. In the Select app type pane, choose Line-of-business app under Other app types and click Select.
  3. App Information:
    1. In the Add app pane, select Select app package file.
    2. Browse and select a Windows installation file with one of the following extensions: .msi, .appx, or .appxbundle.
    3. Fill in the app details:
      1. Name: Enter the app name as it appears in the company portal (ensure uniqueness).
      2. Description: Provide a brief description of the app.
      3. Publisher: Enter the app publisher’s name.
      4. App Install Context: Choose the desired install context (for dual-mode apps).
      5. Ignore app version: Set to “Yes” if the app developer automatically updates the app.
      6. Command-line arguments: Optionally, add any command-line arguments for the .msi file (e.g., /q for silent installation). I have created a specific document where I am adding silent switches to all known software – please refer
  1. Save the app:
    1. Click OK to add the app.


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