Store Sense configuration in Intune

Let’s learn the storage sense configuration in Intune. 

Storage sense configuration will help to free up your disk space regularly, it will remove temporary files, recycle bin clean up, and old backup versions of Windows updates, giving enough space in your system.

Storage Sense also helps OneDrive free up space by cleaning up cloud storage content that hasn’t been opened on a certain day rather than keeping it on the local device. The online version will be available when you connect to the internet,

Now let’s move towards the configuration part

  • Go to the Intune
  • In the Devices section click on Windows
  • Select Configuration Profiles and Create a new profile.

Store Sense configuration in Intune

  • Here, select Settings catalogue (preview)
  • Select Platform is Windows 10, and later 
  • Select Profile, and Select Settings catalog (preview).
  • Click on Create

Store Sense configuration in Intune

  • Now add Name and Description

Store Sense configuration in Intune

  • In Configuration settings, select Add settings and search for
  • In the Storage section, select all settings or required settings only.

Store Sense configuration in Intune

  • Select the option as per your need, but enable the option “Allow Storage Sense Temporary File Cleanup”, the remaining setting as per your organization’s need. Every option has a help button, so you can understand more by yourself.

Store Sense configuration in Intune

Assign to the appropriate group and check the result.

How it will show up to end-users

Let’s check the end user’s experience on Windows 10 devices.

It will show up under the Settings Storage section as mentioned screenshot below.

Store Sense configuration in Intune

Check out more about Intune & I have a specific section for Windows troubleshooting  I hope you will like to explore.

Always check the Microsoft Learn website for new study programmes.

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